I took respite from Cerbs for a few weeks and realized I was becoming gradually unhinged. It’s good to be back, in particular because in order to get the man-juices flowing I’ve decided to be selfish and hand-pluck a few of the darlings of the litter, among them this sick LPiece of exp. noise-oise from the confusingly named Bran(…)Pos (confusing because… How do I say that?). Den of Ordure and Iridescence offers a cinematic experience, not unlike a Tuxedomoon sound-screening at one of those old computer-music conservatories, but with more of a ‘tingle’ factor; you’ll get the chills a few times. “Lioness” in particular sets a vivid scene with its timpani rhythm and glazed key-nutz, changing character on the spot while offering many of the same surreal chirps and buzzes that dominate the first few cuts. This one’s a classic. In other news, near the end of “Plasticized Forest” I think I hear a band jammin’ out all gnarly-tits in the next room. Can’t confirm it though. Guess you’ll just have to check on that for me, since you should be picking this up anyway before it sells out like the last Bran(…)Pos product on Resipiscent.
More about: Bran(...)Pos