Is there even a reason to write this review? It seems if you’re not on board with legend Loren Connors and emerging legend Chris Forsyth, I don’t have the time for you. You’re likely a flamingo with your head in the pop culture sands and though there’s always time to glare at a Kardashian or hug a Bieber, there’s equal time to expand your horizons. Connor’s side to this marvelous split is as supple as Kim’s ass and as crazed as the aging pop star. It’s bending strings of light reflect gammas of spatial echo across the quiet desert night. Considering this is a Preservation list, the case could be made for Connors channeling the vast Outback; the unencumber, pulsating wind slowly eroding the majestic wonders of the inland. Forsyth engages in Connors timbre, playing with space and timing, creating a stronger rhythm but one more in tune to the nightlife of the coastal cities. Where Connors is the nighttime (and when he is never?), Forsyth is the day. Beyond the obvious pairing of guys with guitars at opposite ends of the enlightened spectrum (this is a series titled Contrasts after all), it’s a matter of kismet souls cosmically linking their own brands into a complete story. Tabloids divide and conquer; Connors and Forsyth unite and defend. We will not be victims to vanity, but victors on the battlefield of imagination and fulfillment. Get your head of the out the sand and see what lives above it.
More about: Loren Connors and Chris Forsyth