♫♪  18+ - MIXTA2E

So, jDean originally requested to cover 18+’s 2012 mixtape MIXTA2E, but after he said “i already did one for New Dreams Ltd. today. i can’t do everything,” I decided to write it in lieu. In the past, I’ve written about 18+ in broad and confusing prose, a style inspired by the music. And I’ve always been obsessed with how musicians/artists remain anonymous within an information-ensnared age; in the case of 18+, the enamoring effect that took over my sense of reality was believing the music to be organic and cool/calm. There is little context or background to 18+, only random robotic, distorted images on their homepage and CEE-GEE-EYE and/or manipulated visual videos. I’m absorbed in 18+ as music rather than thinking of it being something physically real. Always situational. While MIXTA2E provides a little more context, it’s still straight-up blank-faced/vacant for more than 54 minutes. Yes. Finally. Hi!!!

Find the album’s trailer below, and download MIXTA2E here.

• 18+: http://18plus18plus18plus.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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