♫♪  chocofriendz - “WHATS UP BUTTERCUP”

The rounded handles of the SNES controller are warm in your hands — utilitarian grey with its candy control pad. Fat buttons invite presses like primary colored commands on the Death Star’s dashboard. Earthbound’s tinny calliope trills to a procession through the streets of Onett. Your buddy plucks a tortilla chip thorn from the carpet when he thinks you aren’t looking.

* * * *

The gang congregates about the bulky monitor as you take the swivel chair, navigating your way through a CD-ROM copy of Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds. Indoor recess lasts 20 minutes at most, but you’ve noticed the teacher has begun to cut your time off short as the winter reaches peak frostiness. The white cursor that traverses the screen resembles a folded slice of Wonderbread.

* * * *

“here’s my number call me anytime
here’s my handle hit me up online”

* * * *

Chocofriendz flips Tech Deck fingerboards with you on a laminate desktop — it’s only a matter of time before they’re quarantined to a cabinet with contraband Yu-Gi-Oh cards and rubber wristbands. Bendy-straw Casio melodies score his simulated pop-shuvit.

* * * *

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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