♫♪  Diamond Terrifier and The Black Ceremony - “Ascribing Essence”

Traveling across land and sea, our brass-bellowed hero returns with “Ascribing Essence” to a chilly home front. Yamantaka Vajrabhairava, the Diamond Terrifier, turns with many faces to accept ritual with Black Ceremony, breathing life into the inanimate and dimensional, exhaled into warped winds of wonder, tapped upon by the mighty fingers of manipulation and notion. Journeying beyond the beloved Zebulon, Diamond Terrifier seeks ritual refuge at the Mega Fortress. Awaiting his arrival, Mega Fortress glimmers in layers of glass and ice, sirening stutters of “My Favorite Girl” yet shattering frost in spurts of vocal glory. Upon Diamond Terrifier’s entrance into the Mega Fortress, witnesses will experience the blending of PRACTICing spiritual forces ascending planes of existence to here and there and where you farewell.

A.K.A.: ZS are back from Japan, so kicking off Sam Hillmer’s new PRACTICE space at Public Assembly, he and Mega Fortress will be conducting a (sure to be) MONUMENTAL collaboration Monday, January 28. Bring your grandma or a new friend, and listen to their track “Ascribing Essence” below:

• Diamond Terrifier: http://twitter.com/DmndTrrfr
• Mega Fortress: http://megafortress.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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