♫♪  Excavations - Object Permanence [album preview]

One would be forgiven if, after reading that the bio of Excavacations describes them as “the catchiest drone you’ll ever hear,” one uttered a faint tut of skepticism. But after hearing the final swelling waves that close “Sine 1” on Object Permanence, one would not be forgiven. This is because the suggestion that Excavacations are simultaneously a “pop” and “drone” act somehow fits exceptionally. Much like some of the earlier No Age wanderings, random specks of noise are flecked over husky guitar feedback. This frames some well-strained vocals that drift subtly in and out of rhythm and clarity throughout the tracks. The whole album forms a surprisingly coherent structure considering it was cut from several tape releases (on the wonderful Stunned, Avant Archive, and Paramita labels), and Weird Forest have only gone and partially remixed and remastered the lot, the lovely sods.

• Weird Forest: http://www.weirdforest.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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