♫♪  Germ Class - “Theres Only One Way Up”

Meandering vocals, similar to the dubbed-out aura surrounding “Theres Only One Way Up,” presents Germ Class as equal-parts experimentalism and Zola Jesus. Sub for the operatic pop vibe, Germ Class continues that distant pop brought and built up by previous musicians Eklin and Bebe Fang on the label’s discography roster. Yet in reality, Germ Class is just another brilliant collaborative project Night People has snagged, between GeRmaN ArMy and Dunes. Their S/T dropped recently in the newest batch on Night People Records, so you can head on over to the label page and grip on the reel. In the mean time: “Theres Only One Way Up.”

• Germ Class: https://soundcloud.com/germclass
• Night People Records: http://raccoo-oo-oon.org/np

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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