♫♪  Knx. - “Hai[$100Nytemayrs]”

So, I’m big on the word “Hi.” And “Hai[$100Nytemayrs]” by Kxn. is right up my alley. Like, when I try to freestyle with pals and at work, just ‘cause, it usually sounds like the beginning of “Hai[$100Nytemayrs].” Mix in with “How you doing? “That’s loud,” and “Okay, yes.” But when I saw a post last night from Leaving Records, I about geeked. And double cassette tape?! Anthology ‘bout to get LOUD on Jones Beach this summer. Composed of all of Kxnwledge’s Bandcamp releases from 2009-2013, both Stones Throw and Leaving Records are freshing physicals to support collectors of the CS and LP fanfares. Specifically, I got my eyes on this Leaving double tape. Yeah, also get ‘em quick, ‘cause June 11 went by fast, and come FriFri, Anthology getting bought out (it’s only available at Stones Throw right now)! Kxn.’s last tape Buttrskotch was bought up by a limited few faster than anyone beyond them knew. Anyhow, get on top this ASAP!

• Knx: http://gloof.bandcamp.com
• Leaving Records: http://leavingrecords.com
• Stones Throw: http://stonesthrow.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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