♫♪  L-Vis 1990 - “Drink, Smoke, Breakup (L-Vis 1990 4D Vocal Mix)”

So this is technically a remix of a remake. The remake is here. The original is here). And okay, they all sound very much alike. But that feels intentional for Night Slugs bossman L-Vis 1990, as we all know that he could make some version with a crazy spliced up vocal or one where machine noises drown out Mila J. Somehow L-Vis does a bit of both of those things, while still completely preserving the lyrics.

The original “Smoke, Drink, Breakup” stands out because of Mila’s delivery of the main lyric. It’s evocative, but is it too on the nose? Maybe, but the excessive outpour of emotion on a simple lyric calls to mind early 2000s R&B, which seems intentional. L-Vis 1990 adds his own dichotomy, robotic cuts of Mila’s voice with actual machine noises, keeping it current while still maintaining that nostalgia.

• L-Vis 1990: https://soundcloud.com/lvis1990
• Mila J: http://www.projectmilaj.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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