♫♪  Lotic - “Shorn”

Arriving quietly on Christmas morning, we received this hushed gem of a Lotic track. “Shorn” is like a Haiku — a tiny meditation with potentially vast consequences for psychic renewal — an off-kilter pulse that quietly points to more crystalline and somber directions for the producer. It’s a brief moment of clarity, illuminated by a restored laptop screen that washes the already white walls of an empty bedroom an even paler shade. The track’s simple clarity demonstrates a distinct step inward, away from the socialized and reactionary violence of DAMSEL in DISTRESS. While we do have the artisanal-calypso and samba-swing in full effect, it only serves to support a floating aquamarine synth line that carries the high-end into an emotive, blissful ascension. We’re all semi-patiently awaiting further information on a potential, proper Tri Angle release. For now, this glimpse gives us indication of a music that will soundtrack the slightly anxious zen-mentality that comes from midnight private net-surfing; and, *whew* is that helpful.

Stream the track below and keep those fingers crossed for more.

• Lotic: https://soundcloud.com/lotic

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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