♫♪  Mood Tattooed - “Velvet”

Mood Tattooed

You ever sit in a field and watched a flower grow in real time? Nah? Well Hush Tarantula, the recent-ish platter from upstate New York fellow Mood Tattooed, makes you believe in such things —- in sitting outside the farmhouse with all your thirty closest friends, communal dinner being prepared at one long wooden table, flutes played a little stoned toward the rising moon, five psychedelic toddlers running around near the lake, etc, or packing your jars away in the root cellar as that October chill creeps in. As homespun and intimate as passing around a ceramic bottle of gin as that tall folk guy nobody remembers inviting plays guitar for a circle of strangers way off in the far meadow, or sharing a sleeping bag in the back of the van instead of paying to camp at Estes. Put this on, finish building that shelf in the barn, call your brother, go lay in the goldenrod.

Hush Tarantula is now available from Blankstairs. Stream album track “Velvet” below.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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