As Nanny (Nick & Annie) travel further under the sheets, their world opens up atop of a large mollusk tower. While descending the spiraling coral staircase ahead of them, their shoes tare on the rough edges, and completely come off as they reach the sandy shores below. Seas of TEAL wash the coastline in a variety of massively crashing and subtly drifting waves. Nanny approaches and sinks their feet in the sand. Then their legs and hips, stomach, fingers, elbows, shoulders; they transpire into the next realm of merely bubbles, as the sand drifts into a wind away, and Nanny floats around and down toward a waterfall that is pixilated in HD. Riding the water down the cliffside, they land in a pool filled with dolphin shaped creatures. These creatures read Nanny’s better than any regular dolphin would have, and are nudging their bubbles around playfully in the pool, laughing. Within a minute, Nanny is up in the sky drifting between clouds as these new found friends fly them across this new world, as these creatures have sprouted fluttering wings like butterflies out their backs.

Take A JOURNEY WITH NANNY in this first volume of many. As Nanny considers this more of an adventure than a formal album or EP, they’re already pretty far along with Vol. II, and are hoping to have some animations as accompaniment to join this time. So get stoked!. Annie does art as TEAL on her own, and Nick is the (in)famous RICK RAB (PRANCE, THICK LIQUIDS). Dig ‘em:

• TEAL: http://anniegugliotta.net
• RickRab: https://soundcloud.com/rick-rab

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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