♫♪  Paisley Parks - Бh○§†


- 5:35 p.m. > Mr P via Gchat: “new [P]aisley [P]arks fyi!”
- 9:34 p.m. > Бh○§† turns my shower into a water park. Dancing became less dangerous and more sport. Neighbors felt my thunder.

- 1:03 a.m. > Set all my alarms (6, 6:30, 7, 7: 30 a.m.s) to “In Da Fresh Pussy,” “Rock Da Whistle,” “Ghetto Jap,” and “FatGirls.”
- 7:00 a.m. > Savannah threatens to move out and claims I need to return my phone.
- 7:52 a.m. > My phone is blasting “Bitch Luv Dis Kush” on repeat driving to work.
- 12:53 p.m. > I finish putting Бh○§† on a CD-R.
- 1:06 p.m. > Sammy D’Bling allows me to play the CD-R in his car on our way to Chipotle for lunch.
- 1:43 p.m. > I take the CD-R back.
- 3:55 p.m. > “G.H.O.S.T.” has been on repeat since 9:15 a.m., and I dub it my favorite track of 2013, forever.
- 5:32 p.m. > Fuck work. I bass/base out to Бh○§† in my car.
- 5:33 p.m. > My pal Captain George loses his mind at moments in music (i.e., the 1:40 mark in “Brothersport”) and just starts to yell, which I did during “Antes Ballad.”
- 7:13 p.m. > Cooking NOT-dogs with Savannah; she axes me politely to turn the album off.
- 11:13 p.m. > She just went to bed, and I’m wasting on Бh○§† again.
- 11:56 p.m. > I decided with my pal Mickey (who thinks it’s too soon, but(t) fuck him) that this is my White Flame of 2013… on a listener-trolling scale.

- 7:00 a.m. > forever
- 7: 48 a.m. > FOREVER
- 10:13 a.m. > For. Ev. Ver.

Someone sign Paisley Parks to an LP already, please. Software, Leaving, NNA — anyone??

• Paisley Parks: https://soundcloud.com/paisleyparks

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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