♫♪  Remember - ルートバックホーム

Like walking hand-in-hand with the only lit part of the surrounding darkness, Remember’s ルートバックホーム brings fragments that sliver into shivers involving of found-sound and pensive key-notes. Or the ringing of a subway breaks blending with the fine-tone of an electricity counter on the side of a Chinese buffet, ルートバックホーム becomes an emotion rather then accentuating one. Thinking about the necessity of things, generally. Generally speaking like you’re typically a quiet person. Never ending bath salts melting within a tub of water placed on the corner of Metropolitan and Lorimer, maybe. But not right now. Not at this time of night or year. Everything will always be left unsaid.

Limited as FUCK cassettes of Remember’s ルートバックホーム on Dream Catalogue right now. Go HAM:

• Remember: https://soundcloud.com/remember-14
• Dream Catalogue: https://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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