♫♪  Silent Girlfriend - “Chains”

Upstairs in the abandoned house on the corner of Hickory Ave. and Hudson St. Behind the pharmacy in the alley that smells like drying hide. Inside the computer found at the bottom of a junkyard heap still able to power on. The distance between radio-play and dark web. Not being able to hear anything in only one ear; when your other ear makes everything sound underwater. When something is almost finished, but not needed to see it to completion. Tasting a mouth that’s been unbrushed for a week. Purposeful non-communication. Retracting everything that’s leaked from your mouth. But no, really. Feeling like disaster is not only just another part of life, but looking forward to the next time. Getting to the bottom of a box full of ramen at the bodega and finding no beef flavor, like…

Silent Girlfriend can all these dreams come true and more through the “Chains” that musically bind her. Let them bind you below:

• Silent Girlfriend: https://soundcloud.com/silent-girlfriend
• Night People: http://raccoo-oo-oon.org/np

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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