♫♪  Meishi Smile - “TEARS”

Taking it a step further, you’re going about 30 over the speed limit listening to Techno Imoco, and the sky is balling its eyes out. Maybe the tangible reads through frustrating speeds; everything is wet except for the interior of your car. The tires spin out, your car goes spinning across three or four lanes of traffic (it’s hard to tell), and the vehicle flips, smashing out the sunroof. NOW, everything this wet. Ejecting out the smashed hole in the car roof, you tare against shards, and colors are mixing everywhere as your body is flung into oncoming traffic.

One never thought the afterlife ever existed, or was made of hair. ALL hair. Like being in a dry car wash. Only surrounded in a droplet of air floating across what you can see is the sea. Below is moving within the water and pouncing up at the bottom of this bubble your encapsulated within, so you climb up the thick strands. Atop of this immersion is a pulsating sky, thick with clouds, erupting in color, and not really interesting. Sometimes it’s the tiniest of measures: you begin to tear up slowly. Not because of death. Not because of anything, really. Just to feel the “TEARS.”

Meishi Smile’s first album LUST releases January 28th via Attack the Music and Zoom Lens in digital, LP and CD forms. You can pre-order here and feel the multitude of “TEARS” streaming below:

• Meishi Smile: https://soundcloud.com/meishismile
• Meishi Smile: http://meishismile.bandcamp.com
• Attack the Music: http://www.attackthemusic.com
• Zoom Lens: http://zoom-lens.org

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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