♫♪  18+ - “SNARL” [ft. Aids-3d]

Digital liquid slithering in ears like a tongue purring against pursed lips. Inside is deep and hollow and violent with the most minimal breath. Fans cool down that hard-bodied exterior. A silent exhale. Eyes watering and piercing through red LED lights; the power button defines us all. “SNARL” reverberates in pensive ones and zeros. Numbers and meaning are merely chastised by manipulated command. Follow the sound and not my fingers. Too late to sigh now. The installation most stimulating. Yet, feelings are less than numb, and emotional response would raise a world of concern. Powering off moans the phrase, “Oh, shit.” Pull it up, baby: pull it up. Check the age on that bot. It’s teetering on the bring of illegal and lethal.

• 18+: http://18plus18plus18plus.tumblr.com
• Aids-3d: http://soundcloud.com/aids3d

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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