Out on Wasabi Tapes (CΞ☮: Lil $ega) this fall is the new Untitled “mix tape” by none other than Jónó Mí Ló. Having already shat out Eco Reject Mixtape on Bootleg Tapes this past May, and the “COMING SOON” Hoko Sounds release of END OF LIGHT, Jónó has gone international for his latest sculpture of sound, as Wasabi Tapes is run out of [a temporal mind warp that exists within the third eye of] Japan. So, there’s no other way to introduce his new Untitled mix tape than with a bit of audio [excerpt] accompanying visuals by Pittsburgh’s spastically revered director, Elina Malkin. Yet, just like the overwhelmingly pleasant visuals of a zoomed-in lens speeding across the country-side, Jónó’s [excerpt] from Untitled presents listeners with an array of friendly sounds reverberating, pinging, gliding, colliding, and generating thoughts on another plane of consciousness. But I ain’t gotta tell you this, as his sounds sink into that part of your brain connected to the spine.
Feel out Wasabi Tapes this fall for the new Untitled mix tape by Jónó Mí Ló.
• Jónó Mí Ló: http://cargocollective.com/jonomilo
• Jónó Mí Ló: https://soundcloud.com/jonomilo
• Wasabi Tapes: http://wasabitapes.tumblr.com
More about: Jónó Mí Ló