♫♪  Marissa Nadler - “Firecrackers”

Just in time for my birthday (which is Friday), Marissa Nadler hopped on this bandwagon of EVERYONE celebrating me. I’m glad she finally caught on, ‘cause I AM a bundle of “Firecrackers,” and shit gets FOR REAL when I’m present IRL, only not really. Stereogum premiered this bad-boy, and I figured I’d follow, ‘cause I’m down with this album (outside them h8rs; <3) and have been feeling the Nadler vibe recently, again.

Snagged the special edition LP of July a bit back from Sacred Bones, and it came with a CD-R. And if you’re familiar with Nadler CD-Rs, it was beyond a treat! Tons of goth-ish folk covers of new and old tracks, including some demos, etc. Nothing as “horror story” as “Firecrackers” video, but… well, actually, I’ve never seen Marissa Nadler as something scary, even though Sacred Bones Records sorta blends these lines between her image and the physical release. Dunno if I’m chill with that. But I’ve ALWAYS pictured her as gothic and/or ghostly. As if she’s a really quaint and bard-scholarly vampire that will live and sing forever.

Anything is possible. Marissa Nadler will outlive you. Yet, that’s a really good thing!

• Marissa Nadler: http://www.marissanadler.com
• Sacred Bones Records: http://www.sacredbonesrecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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