Following up yesterday’s surprise announcement about his new album, Garden of Delete, Oneohtrix Point Never has today posted a teaser for the new album with a video titled “flame.” Check it out above, and read Lopatin’s description of G.O.D. via his interview with “Ezra”:
E: Would you describe the new record as cybermetal? Hypergrunge?
D: It’s somewhat influenced by cybernetic rock. I’m aware of the hypergrunge movement. When I went on tour with NIN, Reznor gave me the green light to attempt cyberdrone for Soundgarden audiences in broad daylight. By the time Soundgarden hit the stage their fans were exausted, often irritated. So that was interesting, however the whole thing had me questioning the effectiveness of cyberdrone beyond the Live Nation context.
Garden of Delete is out November 13 on Warp.
• Oneohtrix Point Never:
• Warp Records:
More about: Oneohtrix Point Never