Antony and The Johnsons are BACK! In early October, the group will be releasing Swanlights, which serves as the title for both their fourth full-length album and a 144-page art book. The album will be released October 5 via Secretly Canadian (October 4 in the UK via Rough Trade), while the book — which will include artwork/writing by Antony, as well as the album on CD — will be released through Abrams Image. I don’t know how much the book costs, but I’m assuming it’s out of my budget since Mr P doesn’t pay me shit.
Anyway, I caught up with Antony on AIM to talk about the album. While I can’t verify that he’s in fact Antony of Antony and The Johnsons, I can verify that he was, for lack of a better word, “troubled”:
Me: Hey, man. Do you have time to talk?
Antony: I don’t know. Do u have time 2 just talk randomly out of nowhere?
Me: Um…
Antony: I mean, it’s not like I’m sitting here all day doing nothing.
Me: Oh, I didn’t think that. That’s why I asked if you have time. Are you busy right now?
Antony: No, I have nothing 2 do. Just YouTubin’.
Me: Find anything awesome?
Antony: Yes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viKTznXnT6k
Me: Really awesome. Hey, want to talk about your new album Swanlights?
Antony: Wait, who r u again?
Me: My name’s Mango Starr, reporter for Tiny Mix Tapes. I got your AIM name through Abe.
Antony: Who’s Abe?
Me: I don’t know. Just some dude. I got his AIM name from Lucy via Gchat.
Antony: Ah, Lucy. She’s okay. I talk 2 her on Skype.
Me: Yeah, she’s great. I haven’t talked to her on Skype yet.
Antony: Shut up, Mango. You don’t know Lucy like I know Lucy. She’s helped me through sum troubling times.
Me: Wanna talk about those times?
Antony: Not really.
Me: Why not?
Antony: Because you’re a fucker, that’s y.
Me: What do you have against me?
Antony: U think u’re the shit. U think you can just IM me out of nowhere like this? IT’S FUCKING RUDE. I don’t IM u when u’re writing some stupid article for TinyMixedTapes, do I? It’s so fucking annoying that people just IM me expecting me 2 have some conversation w/ them out of the blue. I have a publicist 4 a reason, u know. I can’t just fucking field questions all day.
Me: Jeez, sorry…
Antony: Sorry you have an ugly face.
Me: Hey, no need to get personal.
Antony: Sorry your mom’s a fucking whore. What a slut. She hits on me.
Me: Really, please don’t talk like that…
Antony: Sorry your dad likes to hit you, you sorry sack of shit.
Me: Antony, please, I’m begging you… I’ve been going through some hard times lately.
Antony: Awwww, poor Mango! Poor wittle baby!! Wah wah wah wah wah!! Hey everybody, I’m Mango. I’m stupid and going through hard times! POOR ME!!
Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Pzrk__bnE
Antony: Hey hey, that’s really sweet. Where’d you find that?
Me: I just searched YouTube a little… thought you might find it beneficial.
Antony: Shit, Mango… sorry I treated u like an asshole earlier. I mean, people just can’t IM me out of nowhere, you know? I hate that.
Me: No, yeah, no…I totally understand. I’ll let you get to your whistling.
Antony: Thanks.
Antony: Mango?
Antony: Hey, sorry again Mango.
Antony: Hello?
Me: Yeah?
Antony: Sorry again. Thanks 4 the link.
Me: No problem.
Antony: Did u see that IM where I said I can whistle loudly now?
Me: Yep!
Antony: Oh, why didn’t u respond?
Me: Sorry, I’m in the middle of a few things.
Antony: Oh…
Me: I’ll hit you back later, okay?
Antony: Whatever… I might be gone by then.
Me: Oh, well, no big deal then. Talk to you some other day.
Antony: Well, just IM me in case. I might be around for a bit.
• Antony and The Johnsons: http://www.antonyandthejohnsons.com
• Secretly Canadian: http://www.secretlycanadian.com
• Abrams Image: http://www.abramsbooks.com