My Bloody Valentine represent an almost astounding triumph of quality over quantity. 21 years after their monumental album Loveless was released to critical acclaim, people are still talking about them, arguably more than ever before, and as if their discography consisted of, you know, more than just two full-length albums. The band’s just-announced third album was undoubtedly spurned by this waxing appreciation, but what ultimately accounts for it? Lost in Translation? A generation of exceedingly hip P4K devotees? I won’t pretend to know the exact cause, but I can point out the symptoms — at least one of which fortunately doesn’t involve monologues from the newly acquainted and overly enthused. (What… too misanthropic?)
Yellow Loveless will be released on January 23, and it features nine Japanese bands (of varying genres, and including Boris!) offering a track-for-track rendition of that legendary shoegaze record. Also featured on the album are GOATBED (who recorded their version of “Loomer”), pop trio Shonen Knife (“When You Sleep”), and fittingly, Tokyo Shoegazer (“Only Shallow” and “I Only Said”). Racial connotations aside, the cover for Yellow Loveless appears to be simply a yellow-hued replication of the one for the original Loveless. And coinciding roughly (okay, not coinciding at all, but it’s worth mentioning) with the release of Yellow Loveless is MBV’s appearance at the Tokyo Rocks festival next May.
Clearly, Japan and My Bloody Valentine have some kind mutual infatuation with one another. Get a capsule room, you two.
Yellow Loveless tracklisting:
01. 東京酒吐座 (Tokyo Shoegazer) - Only Shallow
02. GOATBED - Loomer
03. The Sodom Project - Touched
04. Lemon’s Chair - To Here Knows When
05. 少年ナイフ(Shonen Knife) - When You Sleep
06. 東京酒吐座 (Tokyo Shoegazer) - I Only Said
07. Age of Punk - Come In Alone
08. Boris - Sometimes
09. Shinobu Narita (4-D Mode1) - Blown A Wish
10. Lemon’s Chair - What You Want
11. Sadesper Record - Soon
• Boris: https://www.facebook.com/borisheavyrocks
• High Fader: http://white.ap.teacup.com/lemonschair
More about: Boris