Hey, Clint Eastwood. Is that your face superimposed over the starry night sky, or is the music of Bremen just making me wish we had Blondie himself patrolling space and giving a cigar-toothed snarl every time aliens verge on invading? Coincidentally, Clint Eastwood also directed and starred in a movie whose title accurately sums up my reaction to Bremen’s previous work, and while the question of fogey survival remains so to this writer, those ignorant of the film’s conclusion should just assume that all of the “cowboys” died in spectacular fashion up there, leaving Swedish duo Jonas Tiljander and Lanchy Orre to musically mourn for the rest of their creative days. They take their cinematic experiences very seriously, you see.
Eclipsed is Bremen’s temporal follow-up to last year’s stupendous Second Launch, and planet alignment tells us to expect a continuation of a certain elongated style. Listener patience is likely to be rewarded with genre-splitting psych beauty, which likewise seems to avoid artist comparisons every time you think you’ve got it figured it out. It’s a mystery on par with Universal origin that these two guys have established such a relatively niche sound using the “power of repetition” and seemingly little instrumentation.
Let Eclipsed blow your mind on Blackest Ever Black this December, and convert from your prior Saganism.
Eclipsed tracklisting:
01. On Board
02. Helmet
03. Cold March
04. Scorched Earth
05. Through The Barrier
06. The Art of Non-Existence
07. Universal
08. Events And Non-Events
09. First Leap
10. A Stumble Not A Fall
11. A Glimpse At The Final Moment
12. Sick City
13. Lights Out
14. Soaring With The Mountains
More about: Bremen