Betcha been fiending hard for a Chief Keef summer anthem to scare all the little kids on your block. At the risk of sounding like a child abductor, I offer Sosa’s “Getcha” as a viable option.
On a second newly released track, “SHIFU,” Keef offers up a playful tune perfect for a children’s birthday party. “Monkey see, monkey do” is clear evidence that he’s attempting to lock in the younger set and make them Keefheads before they graduate from preschool. Smart move, Keith.
Why, you ask, has he unleashed these, and what about his new album? And will these songs be on it? And when, when, when, when can I get my grimy little hands on it? Homie — chill. Good news your way comes. Keef was kickin’ it at Interscope last night and has let us all know, “We ain’t forgot about dis BANG 3 shit!!! I’m finna go back n da studio n finish dis shit off this week.”
Now, bang your head to the two new tracks. Bang 3 is coming.
• Chief Keef: http://www.chiefkeef.com
• Interscope: http://www.interscope.com
More about: Chief Keef