How about you take a break from listening to your sappy heartbreak love songs and get fucking CEREBRAL by checking out my main squeeze <>T’s hot new tape, Shrine Flu. That’s right, close that tab with NPR streaming the new Sharon Van Etten record and head over to Noisey, where you can hear Sam Hilmer, ZS main man and Diamond Terrifier himself, layout on his sax “the part of the Venn diagram representing our collective psyche where spiritual paranoia & materialism overlap with political and economic paranoia & materialism.” Then make your way to the Chocolate Grinder, because we’re streaming the B-side of Shrine Flu exclusively. And once all that shit blows your mind, get out your calendar and circle March 9, because that’s when Shrine Flu will officially be released on Words+Dreams Records (their eighth cassette!).
The 22-minute “sax-and-reverb meditation” is a precursor to DT’s upcoming LP due out in September on Northern Spy. The tape will prepare you to not be too overwhelmed by the LP’s attack on your senses, you sensitive little fuck.
• Diamond Terrifier: http://northern-spy.com/diamondterrifier
• Words+Dreams: http://www.wordsplusdrea.ms
• Northern Spy: http://northern-spy.com