I don’t like using the word “best,” but I have to say it: Elysia Crampton (formerly E+E) is one of the best musicians out there. Her music is at once sublime and disruptive, rapturous and devastating, a “gaping silence” of transubstantiation and materialism. Last year was an especially big year for her, with two incredible mixes and the release of her debut album, THE LIGHT THAT YOU GAVE ME TO SEE YOU (which made it to #13 on our year-end list).
TMT has been honored to follow her trajectory thus far, and we’re ecstatic to be right alongside her for her vinyl debut. It’s a 7-inch release called “Moth / Lake,” and it kicks off the first chapter of her “Shenandoah” series. According to Boomkat, the A-Side — which was previewed back in February last year (perhaps in a different form) — features the vocals of Money Allah, who alongside Elysia “pays tribute to legendary Afro-American comedians Stepin Fetchit and Bert William.” “Lake,” meanwhile, is Elysia’s take on a Bolivian Saya, “a work song/dance style which can trace its roots back to the original mixture of Andean and African traditions during the first days of slavery in South.”
It’s limited to 300. Grab it now from Boomkat before the TMT staff gets them all.
• Elysia Crampton: https://soundcloud.com/eande
• Boomkat: http://boomkat.com
More about: E+E, Elysia Crampton