I feel like my luck is about to change. I just received news that my 5th grade English teacher has died and that Hospital Productions has a couple of HUGE releases on the horizon. Things are really starting to turn around for me.
Mrs. Ray was a teacher, a Baptist, and a bad person. She will be survived by family members bidding her good riddance. Had you been her student, you would now be dancing in the streets like a Libyan rebel.
Hospital Productions is the noisy record label of Dominick Fernow (Prurient), which will be releasing its 300th release — and boy, it’s a doozy! HOS-300 White Eye of Winter Watching is a two-cassette compilation of many Hospital favorites (yet to be announced) that was birthed during the 2010 blizzards of Manhattan, according to Hospital, who describes the compilation as “a list of names of the old and new atoms flying around before collision.” I bet the collision is brutal, too. The compilation is set to be released in November or December, with a wildly packaged, limited-edition version also available.
Also available now from Hospital is Viodre’s Interpol Alchemi. Created over half a decade, Fernow himself has described the record as “one of the top ten noise albums of all time.” So there.
And don’t forget that Prurient’s new Time’s Arrow 12-inch is now available from Hydra Head. Prurient has also hinted to Tiny Mix Tapes about another Prurient EP in the works, titled Through the Window, that will be further exploring the direction in sound first observed with Bermuda Drain.
So it’s a busy time for Hospital, a lucky time for me, and a dead time for Mrs. Ray.
• Hospital Productions: http://hospitalproductions.net