James Ferraro’s ringtone suite is live on the MoMA PS1 website; your phone is now a vessel for the vaporwave apocalypse

James Ferraro's ringtone suite is live on the MoMA PS1 website; your phone is now a vessel for the vaporwave apocalypse

Hey there pal, do you remember the last time we talked about James Ferraro’s 100% exhibit at the MoMA PS1 in Queens, New York and you were all like “Uh, sounds pretty artsy and over my head, Taylor,” and then I was all like, “Nahh, reader, believe me, James Ferraro is for the children,” and you were skeptical but neither one of us wanted our date to get weird, so we just let it slide and went on to talking about our jobs some more? Well it’s happening. Hang on, let me be a little more clear and a little less ominous: James Ferraro’s 100% exhibit is currently live at the MoMA PS1.

Now maybe you’re thinking, “Well that’s neat, but I don’t live in Queens, or even New York, so how is this even relevant to me?” If you’re thinking that, you clearly didn’t read the news post I linked up above — I’m not angry that you didn’t, just disappointed — because fully two-thirds of this shit can be accessed right from your very own couch (the other third, Dubai Dream Tone, can only be heard in the museum’s elevators). Go ahead and call the museum and hear the sweet sounds of Saint Prius, music that Ferraro created to act as the museum’s hold music. Or consider visiting this website right here, where you can listen to and download each of the ringtones in the Eco - Savage Suite. There’s also a little dropdown-type menu at the top of the page where you can read details about the project, and where the number for the museum is listed. Pro Tip: if you want to feel like you’re about to be sucked into some weird sort of atemporal vortex, try playing all the ringtones at once.

The ringtones are available for both iPhones and Androids, however iPhone users take note: these are actual ringtone files (.m4r extension), so the only way you can add them to your iTunes library is in the “Tones” section. It looks like the Android ringtone files are just MP3s though, so they might be addable in the traditional way to both types of phones. I’m really not sure, as I have no experience with Android phones since I am afraid of both robots and change. Either way, these hot tones are sure to impress your buddies when your boss or roommate calls you during that TED Talk.

Eco - Savage Suite ringtones:

Aerosol Smile
Saint Prius
Diaspora Gecko
Eco - Detergent
Earth Jump (Small Aboriginal Dreads)
The Warming Planet
Bottled Rain Water
Dream Sushi
100% 2
Pollution Technique
CD Skip Glitch 2 _ Recycle Landfill

• James Ferraro: https://twitter.com/LIL_ICEBUNNY
• MoMA PS1: http://momaps1.org

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