The last time Jenny Hval indulged a compatriot for a collaborative album, her vocals stunningly interwove with Susanna Wallumrød’s, accompanied by instrumentation that would’ve supplementally served as a fitting soundtrack to any individual’s magnificent dystopian resurrection. Some of us just felt emotionally drained afterward. It took days for the puddle of myself to reformulate into a representative human being, and I still feel like I haven’t mentally recuperated enough to accept violin in a minor scale. Listeners who’ve been similarly affected would love it if Jenny temporarily acknowledged our fragility by including more kazoos in her music.
No kazoos? Well, we’ll just have to make do with the upcoming album In the End His Voice Will Be the Sound of Paper, then, which is a collaboration between Jenny Hval, Oslo-based guitarist/composer Kim Myhr, and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, an outfit of mutable size and membership. Myhr personally selected the 11 orchestra members that appear on In the End, and the end result is something heavily improvised and filled with Hval offering an emotional emphasis, as was her reported want.
Myhr (also of the free improv outfit Mural) was the guy doing the organizing though. He sticks to acoustic guitar on the album, and TJO go completely wireless as well. As a refresher, here’s what it sounds like, after the bolded release date of April 8 on HUBRO/Forced Exposure:
In the End His Voice Will Be the Sound of Paper tracklisting:
01. Seed
02. Something New
03. Me, You, Me, You
04. The Beak
05. Mass
06. Even The Vowels
07. Soft As Tongues
08. Silence A Beat
More about: Jenny Hval, Kim Myrh, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra