Wha? Excellent! Josh Da Costa and Jamen Whitelock have been on my radar ever since I saw Regal Degal in concert, and since the track and video for “Delicious” recurred in my mind as a dreamy something or other. The potential was obvious back then, so it’s certainly welcome news that Da Costa and Whitelock are continuing their musical trek courtesy of a brand new project called CMON (short for Confusing Mix of Nations).
The establishment of CMON coincides with their signing to the Mexican Summer label, and their signing to the Mexican Summer label presumably coincides with all kinds of celebratory activities. Just imagine cake…everywhere! Streamers…everywhere! Strippers…fully clothed and platonically hanging out EVERYWHERE! Maybe the rest of us can get in on this jovial action.
Here’s Da Costa on the first single, “Coo,” and the new project as a whole:
“Coo” was the first track we made together that marked a real departure from our old band Regal Degal into what would become CMON, so we’re happy to celebrate it with a fun video… We’re also really happy to have worked with Geneva again - making a video free from narrative and focused on mood + performance as well as creative editing suits a song that is less about thinking and more about feeling. It’s time to get wavy.
Check the video for “Coo” below. The vibe is inescapable, and it precedes extended feels that’ll undoubtedly happen with CMON’s currently unnamed debut full-length. Look forward to it in 2020.
More about: CMON, Regal Degal