In Internet parlance, allow me to present you with some breaking news: prolific collaborator gon’ continue prolifically collaborating. Said prolific collaborator — experimental/blues guitarist Loren Connors — has released more than 50 albums over 30+ years, and a good portion of those releases have been joint efforts, with accomplished musicians like Jim O’Rourke, Thurston Moore, John Fahey, Keijii Haino, and Alan Licht each taking their turn standing (or possibly sitting) alongside — in fact, we just posted a story about his latest collab (with life partner Suzanne Langille) two days ago. Obviously, the only question now is, who’s next? No, not “who’s next?” in the horror movie, psycho-killer sense of the question, but what’s the next Connors collaboration that our ears have to, er… hear forward to?
The obvious choice, in this case, has the luxury of also being the correct one. The orgasmically noisy improvisational guitarist Bill Orcutt has been building his solo chops over the past few years, but on August 30, he and Connors got together at Georgia — a multimedia studio in NYC — and recorded NATCH 8, an edition (all signs point to the last) of the collaborative series presented by the now unfortunately closed Black Dirt Studio. At the time of writing, NATCH 8 hasn’t been uploaded yet, but that should happen any day now. Keep an eye on this site, where you’ll be able to download/stream it, as well all previous NATCH editions, free of charge. And for the color-appreciative, check out the preview video below.
• Loren Connors: http://www.fvrec.com/lorenconnors
• Bill Orcutt: http://palilalia.com
• Black Dirt Studio: http://www.blackdirtstudio.com
More about: Bill Orcutt, Loren Connors