You may have noticed that you haven’t heard much from Sic Alps this past year. Last December, they were on top of the world — after releasing a 7-inch on Slumberland in early fall, they welcomed the holiday season on a tour alongside Magik Markers (solving the question of X-Mas gifts with a noisy 12-inch split on Yik Yak). Better yet, they began 2010 with a handful of dates supporting Sonic Youth. And then they were never heard from again… (except some shows scattered here and there since the end of their European tour in June).
But lo! These boys aren’t in your fancy corporate studio, but they are back! Drag City recently made the victorious announcement of a forthcoming LP from Sic Alps, entitled Napa Asylum. As per usual, the new tracks were recorded in a basement on an 8-track, and according to the band, detail “re-incarnation, magic, and schizophrenia” — themes always welcome from the dank underground of a bandmate’s house. The illustrious follow-up to U.S. EZ is set for release January 25. Early reports sound promising.
• Sic Alps: http://sicalps.com
• Drag City: http://www.dragcity.com