Okay, let’s be real: YRN didn’t go hard enough. It was untimely, sure, what with all the delays and legal hoo-ha, but there was something else missing. It never really hit the same quality levels as No Label 2 or Yung Rich Niggas, and it ultimately sounded like a going-through-the-motions record. Not a disaster by any means, but nowhere near as good as what Migos can do when they really hit their stride.
The announcement of their latest project, Back to the Bando, almost reads as a knowing admission of the fact, a back-to-basics maneuver to recapture the hype. It all sounds a little Let It Be, doesn’t it? Another sly wink towards the Migos v. Beatles debate? Whatever the latest twist to the story will be, more Migos — whether as an album or a mixtape — can certainly never be a bad thing in my book, so I’m keeping my eyes and ears peeled for this one.
Preview “Bitch Dab” from the project, and check the cover art (maybe) down below, by way of tweet.
BACK TO THE BANDO pic.twitter.com/SL0bsbldlj
— MIGOS™ (@Migos) September 2, 2015
• Migos: https://twitter.com/migos
More about: Migos