We’re all very happy that this interminable election is finally over and done with, but there’s another important reason to rejoice today: My Bloody Valentine will be releasing new material sometime before the end of the year! Considering their last full-length release was 1991’s stunning Loveless, the 21-year wait leading up to this momentous occasion was only less excruciating than the election because we actually like My Bloody Valentine.
NME has the word on the new record’s sound straight from Kevin Shields: “Based on the very, very few people who’ve heard stuff — some engineers, the band, and that’s about it — some people think it’s stranger than Loveless. I don’t. I feel like it really frees us up, and in the bigger picture it’s 100% necessary.” I finally calmed down from the election, and now I’ve got goose bumps all over again!
Shields will release the new, untitled album through his website, with an EP of more new material to follow shortly thereafter. When it rains, it pours buckets of shoegazey goodness.
MBV is currently scheduled to headline Japan’s Tokyo Rocks festival in May 2013, providing the band with the biggest space they’ve ever performed in, so there’s a chance news of more shows will emerge once the album drops? We can only hope!
• My Bloody Valentine: http://www.mybloodyvalentine.co.uk
More about: My Bloody Valentine