Q: Is there anyone in music today who says more awesomely self-righteous bullshit when he really ought to just shut the fuck up than Kanye West?
A: Of course there is. Maybe you’ve heard of him. His name is Paul McCartney (TMT file photo). See, he likes to call people out for things out loud and in public, especially when he hasn’t seen his name on Tiny Mix Tapes (his favorite music news source, I’m told) for awhile. And really, can you blame the guy? We are bigger than Jesus [ed: we are not bigger than Jesus].
So, what pointless dig has Sir Paul lazily let loose this time? In a recent interview with BBC Newsbeat, he apparently saw fit to fart out the anti-news that The Beatles’ record label EMI are to blame for their albums and songs not being available digitally.
“To tell you the truth I don’t actually understand how it’s got so crazy,” he said listlessly. “I know iTunes would like to do it, so one day it’s going to happen.” His anus then continued to leak: “It’s been business hassles, not with us, or iTunes. It’s the people in the middle, the record label. There have been all sorts of reasons why they don’t want to do it.” Yeah, now that I think about it, I did hear something about how EMI was desperate to earn less money; I think it was that it was earning too much, and it didn’t want to end up in a higher tax bracket this year or something?
For its part, EMI insists that it’s trying to sort out the situation. “Discussions are ongoing,” the label said in a statement, adding that they “would love to see The Beatles’ music available for sale digitally.” But again, alas, they are just too rich right now. :(
Oh well. Despite the current lack of digital availability, McCartney admitted he isn’t too worried that a younger audience are missing out on his band’s music. “We get so played and noticed and tributed as The Beatles that I’m not complaining.” Besides, if he was complaining, his words would be in ALL CAPS WITH HAPHAZARD PUNCTUATION AND THEY’D BE ALL RANDOM SKIPPING FROM THOUGHT TO THOUGHT AND LOTS OF !!!!!! THEY SHOULD HAVE GIVEN THE BEATLES THE BEST VIDEO FOR HELLO GOODBYE!! REVOLUTION 9 FUCKIN’ SUCKED THAT’S WHAT IT IS!!!!!! I’M NOT CRAZY Y’ALL I’M JUST REAL.
• Paul McCartney: http://www.paulmccartney.com
• EMI: http://www.emimusic.com