Damn Lord Quas, you’ve gotta give the people something to work with. It’s been eight years since Madlib put out The Further Adventures of Lord Quas, his most recent record under his Quasimoto alias. So when Quas himself posts on his Facebook page that he’s now listening to a test press of Quasimoto’s Yessir Whatever, people are gonna freak out a little bit. In fact, The Daily Swarm freaked out enough to report on this sentence, while we’re just picking up their freak-out and running with it. Look, it’s just that… it would be pretty neat to have a whole new full-length record from Quasimoto. That’s all.
Only thing is, Yessir Whatever may well not be a full-length record. Madlib hasn’t posted any further information about the record, so it could really be anything. Potholes in My Blog (who picked up on the initial Facebook post) speculate that the record may actually be a compilation. They also note that a Google search reveals results listing the record for a June 2013 release and that Madlib has posted a picture of the test pressing on his Instagram. So, to sum up: Quasimoto is releasing something called Yessir Whatever, it may be an album, it may not be an album, it may be coming out in June, and there is photographic proof that this test pressing exists.
• Quasimoto: http://www.stonesthrow.com/quasimoto