It’s a month ending in a letter, so that means it’s probably time for a new Spencer Krug record. Last year, Krug put out Organ Music Not Vibraphone Like I’d Hoped (TMT Review) through his solo project Moonface, fulfilling his promise to some unknown power to release at least one record each year. Now that it is a new year, Krug must again fulfill his promise, this time by putting out another Moonface record. This model 2012 Spencer Krug record is called With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery and it’s coming out April 17 through Jagjaguwar.
“With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery? Well, that’s a goofy title,” said a ghostly voice that thinks Shut Up, I Am Dreaming and Organ Music Not Vibraphone Like I’d Hoped are totally normal titles. Well, shut it, ghostly voice, the title makes sense. Spencer Krug had some assistance with this new Moonface record, in the form of Finnish kraut-rock band Siinai. In this collaboration, the two parties got together in Finland last August to record. Siinai provided the majority of the record’s music, while Spencer “Moonface” Krug provided the vocals, along with some of his trademark keyboard magic. Oh, you didn’t know that Spencer Krug had a magic keyboard? He got it when he killed an orc.
As for the “heartbreaking bravery” part, the record’s main theme is said to be heartbreak. Evidently, this was not planned, but, you know, sometimes when you start writing, you end up writing about your heartache, your friends’ heartache, flawed and failed relationships, unpleasant feelings, and how those things change you. On the final edit of this story, I realized that I spent a whole paragraph writing about my first crush. Whoops! Anyway, Krug said that he recognizes that these themes are nowhere close to original, but that they’re worth digging into anyway. He’s right, people care about these things. Did I ever tell you about my first crush, oh, forget it, YOU don’t care.
With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery:
01. Heartbreaking Bravery
02. Yesterday’s Fire
03. Shitty City
04. Quickfire, I Tried
05. I’m Not the Phoenix Yet
06. 10,000 Scorpions
07. Faraway Lightning
08. Headed for the Door
09. Teary Eyes and Bloody
• Moonface: http://moonface.ca
• Siinai: http://siinai.tumblr.com
• Jagjaguwar: http://www.jagjaguwar.com
More about: Moonface