Yes, we’re all familiar with the apt but borderline-redundant descriptions. The Body and Thou are “dark.” Their music makes me want to “pour a bucket of pig’s blood over my naked body and pledge fealty to the Moon at the darkest hour of the night in the middle of an open field.” Also, the last time I listened to The Body and Thou (separately, or on their collaborative Released from Love EP, which came out earlier this year), my “internal organs ruptured simultaneously and were miraculously recomposed with a benign black pigment.” I mean, could we be any more cliché? Likewise, can’t we forget the words for a moment and allow their music to exist on its own, imbibing our souls without conversational or commentative interference?
The records, of course, present the opportunity, but even more conducive to that type of metaphysical transference is their upcoming tour, following the aforementioned collaborative EP, as well the two acclaimed LPs I Shall Die Here and Heathen. Most of the shows beginning in July will be genuinely collaborative, in that, aiming to prevent any growling proclamations of “Grrrr, no we’re the headliners,” Thou and The Body will be performing together “from start to finish.” Apologies to the West Coast though. Dates after the vid.
The Body & Thou dates:
07.01.14 - Birmingham, AL - The Forge
07.02.14 - Greensboro, NC - Legitimate Business
07.03.14 - Richmond, VA - Empire the Bar (2 PM show) (Thou only)
07.03.14 - Washington, DC - The Pinch *
07.04.14 - Baltimore, MD - Sidebar (Noon show) (Thou only)
07.04.14 - Philadelphia, PA - TBA
07.05.14 - New York, NY - ABC No Rio !
07.06.14 - New London, CT - The Orphanage (1 PM show) (Thou only)
07.06.14 - Worcester, MA - The Firehouse #
07.08.14 - Providence, RI - Machines with Magnets
07.12.14 - Syracuse, NY - Westcott Community Center @
07.13.14 - Pittsburgh, PA - The Shop
07.14.14 - Detroit, MI - Trumbullplex
07.16.14 - Michigan City, MI - Carbon Room %
07.17.14 - Chicago, IL - Club Rectum (Early show) (Solo sets)
07.17.14 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle $
07.18.14 - Oshkosh, WI - Masonic Center (Gilead Fest)
07.19.14 - Oshkosh, WI - Masonic Center (Gilead Fest) (The Body only)
07.20.14 - Oshkosh, WI - Masonic Center (Gilead Fest) (Thou only)
* Vilkacis, Pygmy Lush, Jail Solidarity
! Vilkacis, Ghede
# Rozamov, Fórn
@ Bleak, Blood Sun Circle
% Angry Gods
$ Ash Borer, Hell
• The Body: https://www.facebook.com/pages/the-body/334047229514
• Thou: http://noladiy.org/thou