Me: After spending the last few years after 2009’s underrated Eskimo Snow chilling-out, maxing, relaxing, etc., indie-hip-hop-orchestral-experimental-pop dudes WHY? have announced the release of a new EP called Sod in the Seed on August 14 in the US (via Anticon) and August 13 in Europe (via City Slang). Isn’t that great news?
You: Will there be there a lot of rapping on it?
Me: Well… uh, you can download the EP’s title track below. I mean, I guess there’s some fast-ish singing on it with syncopated rhythms and complex-ish rhyme schemes going on in some places. Some might call it rapping. Really though, that’s an odd questions, isn’t it? It’s more about the overall…
You: Yeah, but, like, is it fast singing or slow singing? You know what I mean?
Me: Umm. What? Hey, they’re also planning to follow up the EP in the fall with an as-yet untitled full-length. There are probably all kinds of interesting textures, clever lyrics, cool sounds, thematic diversity, etc. all over that. Yoni usually doesn’t disappoint, you know.
You: Well… how much rapping will there be on that? He hasn’t been rapping a lot lately, and I just want to make sure that I’m ready for whatever, you know, ratios of…
Me: Dude, I don’t know! I guess you’ll have to wait until it comes out. Or, alternately, you can go catch one of their several dozen tour dates around the US or “Euro-zone” starting at the end of August and probably get a taste of it yourself before the record even comes out. That sounds cool, doesn’t it? I mean, records! Shows! WHY?! You love WHY?! Who cares about genre classifications here? What’s the problem??
You: Yeah, totally. I’m with you. It’s all good. But like, if you had to guess how much rapping there’ll be…
Me: (Sigh) What blog did you say you write for again?
You: All of them.
Sod in the Seed EP:
01. Sod in the Seed
02. For Someone
03. The Plan
04. Probably Cause
05. Twenty Seven
06. Shag Carpet
08.24.12 - Columbia, MO - The Blue Note *&
08.25.12 - Norman, OK - Opolis *&
08.26.12 - Santa Fe, NM - SOL @ Santa Fe Brewing *&
08-27.12 - Phoenix, AZ - Crescent Ballroom *&
08.28.12 - Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex *#
08.30.12 - San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall ^*#
08.31.12 - Arcata, CA - Arcata Playhouse *#
09.01.12 - Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom *#
09.02.12 - Seattle, WA - Bumbershoot Festival
09.03.12 - Boise, ID - Reef *%
09.04.12 - Salt Lake City, UT - In the Venue *%
09.05.12 - Englewood, CO - The Gothic *%
09.06.12 - Omaha, NE - The Waiting Room *%
09.07.12 - Lawrence, KS - The Granada *%
09.08.12 - Minneapolis, MN - Cedar Cultural Center ^*%
09.09.12 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall ^*%
09.10.12 - Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom ^*%
09.11.12 - Ithaca, NY - The Haunt^*+
09.12.12 - Cambridge, MA - Middle East^*+
09.13.12 - Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall of Williamsburg ^*+
09.14.12 - Philadelphia, PA - Union Transfer ^*+
09.15.12 - Durham, NC - Motorco Music Hall ^*+
09.16.12 - Asheville, NC - Grey Eagle ^*+
09.17.12 - Atlanta, GA - The Earl ^*+
09.18.12 - Nashville, TN - Mercy Lounge ^*+
10.05.12 - Düsseldorf, Germany - New Fall Festival
10.06.12 - Evreux, France - L’Abordage
10.07.12 - Paris, France - Maroquinerie
10.08.12 - Brighton, England - Old Market
10.09.12 - London, England - Electric Ballroom
10.10.12 - Manchester, England - Central Methodist Church
10.11.12 - Bristol, England - Fleece
10.12.12 - Glasgow, Scotland - SWG3
10.13.12 - Oxford, England - The Bullingdon
10.15.12 - Berlin, Germany - Volksbühne
* Serengeti
^ Doseone
& DJ Tony Trimm
# dj sodapop
% Jel (DJ Set)
+ DJ Thanksgiving Brown
• WHY?: http://whywithaquestionmark.com
• Anticon: http://www.anticon.com
• City Slang: http://www.cityslang.com