Okay, so here I am listening to Swedish rapper Yung Lean miss the bowl entirely and expel words all over the bathroom wall, and separate from the mildly uncomfortable experience of listening to a 16-year-old (at the time) talk about his assuredly huge dick, I can’t shake another overwhelming impression: this would be really enjoyable, were it not for the fact that some of us take things just too damn seriously. That’s my theory on why he’s apparently become an internet sensation(!!!), because here in this elaborate cross section of tubes, “liking,” distributing, or promoting something that might otherwise be considered hilariously bad makes you… cool! Really cool. It’s like the web is really obviously rebelling against the manufactured popularity of mainstream pop culture.
Thus, the rapscallions over at /b/ may be more excited about this than most, but following up his widely (if not totally well) received mixtape Unknown Death 2002, Yung Lean has just released his debut album Unknown Memory, out on the affiliated imprint of his Sad Boys outfit, Sky Team. The album features a single guest vocalist via the thoroughly tune’d Travi$ Scott (listen below), but otherwise, it’s a totally “in-house” production, with all tracks being produced by Yung Gud, Yung Sherman, and White Armor.
They at least seem earnest, but can we say the same about Yung Lean’s growing fan base, who are actually selling out his shows? Are we witnessing the phenomenon of a web-turned-real-life meme? We may never know for sure. #usadbro
Unknown Memory tracklisting:
01. Blommor
02. Blinded
03. Sunrise Angel
04. Yoshi City
05. Ice Cold Smoke
06. Dog Walk (Intermission)
07. Don’t Go
08. Ghosttown (feat. Travi$ Scott)
09. Monster
10. Volt
11. Leanworld
12. Sandman
13. Helt Ensam (Outro)
12.01.14 - New York, NY - Webster Hall *
12.02.14 - Philadelphia, PA - Union Transfer *
12.03.14 - Washington, D.C. - Black Cat *
12.05.14 - Miami, FL - Art Basel *
12.06.14 - Atlanta, GA - Masquerade *
12.08.14 - San Antonio, TX - White Rabbit *
12.09.14 - Dallas, TX - Trees *
12.10.14 - Austin, TX - Empire Control Room *
12.12.14 - Phoenix, AZ - The Crescent Ballroom *
12.13.14 - Los Angeles, CA - The Regent *
12.14.14 - San Diego, CA - University of California San Diego *
12.15.14 - Santa Ana, CA - The Observatory *
12.16.14 - San Francisco, CA - The Grand Ballroom @ Regency Center *
12.18.14 - Seattle, WA - Neumos *
12.19.14 - Vancouver, BC - Vogue Theatre *
* Gravity Boys
• Yung Lean: https://www.facebook.com/arizonaicedoutboys
• Sad Boys: http://sadboys2001.com
More about: Yung Lean