With hyper beautiful scenery and samples, the sensory rate Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) reflects upon in the one-minute and 32-second video for “freightface dorkstop lovepancake (babydoll eyes)” is that of a brainwashing video one would see within an asylum or cult. Which makes one question, “What exactly is Quantum Natives?” This question just gets deeper with each release too, as Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) is slated to drop the GPS-/adventure-/digital-label’s four work, The Ballad Of Jankmaster Flexington & Queen Larptifah.
It’s as if DJWWWW, Giant Claw, and D/P/I maximalized all their samples into one, brief track and it was shit out as “freightface dorkstop lovepancake (babydoll eyes).” Yet, the interesting bit is most of these sounds are of timbre or voice-box stature, thus Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) combined a variety of acoustic intonations, restructured them into a post of their already sampled “post,” and surmounted a creation that is more uncontrollable than Dr. Frankenstein’s monster. It’s post-internet. It’s what “modern” seeks to outwit it’s own name. It’s starving ouroboros.
Just imagine what you’ll hear from Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) when The Ballad Of Jankmaster Flexington & Queen Larptifah drops on the cult-pushing label Quantum Natives. Feel the flicker:
• Sifaka Kong: https://soundcloud.com/sifakalaka
• Quantum Natives: http://quantumnatives.com
More about: Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ)