Tiny Mix Tapes

DND Chat Transcript: The iTunion Deearem Freedom Campaign Part Two


GameMaster: As you know from our last campaign, the iTunions freed the EMI Major Labelus songlings from the cursed Deearem, which prevented the songlings from being transferred, burnt, and copied under certain restrictions. This was annoying for the users and has sparked a flame within the capitol.

Indey Labelus: The capitol being the Music Industry?

GameMaster: Correct. Now let me set the scene. Indey, you are at the capitol and you are next in line for the freeing of the dreaded Deearem from your body. You step up to the throne and before you stands Emperor Stevus Jobes. He speaks to you.

Steveus Jobes: By all that is iHoly! It is so exciting to see you before me today! I know that not all of your brethren in iTunia will be joining you, but you represent a large chunk of Indyland, so most of you will be free of Deearem, and I will bless everyone with a ninety-nine centia price tag.

GameMaster: Steveus Jobes casts Deearemfreedomus; he rolls a 17. I need you to roll to absorb the spell.

[Indey Rolls]

[Indey Rolls a 20]

Indey Labelus: Fuck yes!

GameMaster: Dude, don't be lame -- stay in character, no meta-game thinking or speaking! Your character would not say "fuck yes."

Indey Labelus: Least I'm free of Deearem! Oh man, brb -- my mom just came downstairs and told me the pizza is here. I'm gonna go grab a slice.

[Indey Labelus is AFK]


Deearem - DRM, Digital Rights Management. Bullshit pieces of code that
prevent you from fully enjoying music you've legally purchased.

iTunion, iTunia - iTunes

Indey Labelus - Indie Labels

Stevus Jobes - Steve Jobs

GameMaster - Guy who runs Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Sometimes known as a Dungeon Master.

Songlings - Songs

AFK - Away from keyboard. World of Warcrack players use this a lot.

"By all that is iHoly" - Typical expression when Apple addicts cream
themselves for shit like the iPhone. These same people whip out their
iPhone at every opportune time.