Tiny Mix Tapes

Comcast Admits to Secret Love Affair with BitTorrent


Great duos:

Wait wait wait. Comcast and BitTorrent?! Yes, according to The Wall Street Journal, internet service provider (ISP) giant Comcast will be working with the torrent protocol developers over at BitTorrent, Inc. in an effort to move video content more efficiently through its network.

Comcast has been at odds with the torrent community since August 2007, when it was reported that the ISP was blocking torrent traffic, causing net neutrality proponents to shit their pants. Comcast later issued a press release stating, "Torrents are destroying our network. In the near future, all of our bandwidth will be consumed by a protocol dedicated to illegal file-sharing. And that will leave no bandwidth for Joseph Goldbottom's Bar Mitzah Evite. And imagine how ka'ab Joseph will feel when nobody shows up to his manning party?"

No word yet as to any specifics of the agreement or what could possibly come out of it.