Tiny Mix Tapes

Swedish Authorities Pull the Plug on The Pirate Bay, Nerds Swiftly Plug It Back In; Swedish Authorit


The planks have been holstered, the wenches dismissed, and the rum, yes, it is gone. It’s official, folks: after nearly six years of sailing the open cyber seas and plundering every shining doubloon of media in sight, The (Swedish) Man has slashed the masts of The Pirate Bay for good. But don’t you all unsheathe your inhalers at once. For all you content-hungry but empty-pocketed individuals left listless by the absence of your precious TPB, be not so nervous, be not so frail , because the opportunity for unspoiled riches abounds at these two-dozen-plus-one other torrent sites that can get you a fat slice of that torrenty goodness, just like Pirate Bay used to make.

But I get why you’re so upset right now. Sure, The Pirate Bay was just one twinkling star in a constellation of other reliable torrent sites, yet you trusted TPB more than the others. The incessant watch-doggery of the commenters kept you safe from viruses, and the bevy of seeders made for quick and easy downloading. Yep, there’s nothing in this world that can replace The Pirate Bay, except, perhaps, an (almost) exact fucking copy of The Pirate Bay . Sure, it may look different, but all your favorites are there. From the high-quality DVD rips of your favorite TV shows to the super-suspect porn that managed to slip onto the servers, TPB is not only alive and well in the hearts of nerds the world over, but also on your very own Internet. Good lord it’s just so precious I can hardly stand it!

In the days before its demise, one loyal Pirate Bayer went to the trouble of compressing the entire catalog of TPB’s hosted content into one convenient 21.3 gigabyte torrent. The file essentially is a backup copy of the more than 800,000 torrents hosted on TPB website. Since many torrents tracked by TPB were not hosted on its servers, the better part of its 2 million torrents couldn’t make it on the backup, but (conjecture alert) one would assume that the most popular and reliable torrents would be hosted on the site itself. Either way, thousands downloaded the torrent over the weekend, including one helpful soul who loaded all the content (before TPB even shut down) onto a clone site that has every file on the backup available to download. It’s even possible (again with the conjecture!) that there are other TPB clone sites ready to launch should this new haven face flak from the powers that be. For closing remarks on this story, I humbly defer to this t-shirt .