Tiny Mix Tapes

I. Pit er Pat “Scooter” Libby Found Guilty in CIA Leak Case, Tours


I saw Pit er Pat play with The Fiery Furnaces back in 2005.

That reminds me of a teacher I had who often wore a black baseball cap that had nothing on it except an embroidered "2005" on the left side.

I stood on the right side of the stage when Pit er Pat played, which is really stage left.

My teacher often came out of left field with some of his comments. Whenever things got out of his control, he said we were a "clusterfuck of a class."

'Clusterfuck' is a military term that describes a process where too many people are involved in a situation, all trying to help, but only making things worse.

It was my first time seeing Pit er Pat, and I thought they played rather skillfully back in black-hat-embroidered 2005, and there's only three of them. Not a clusterfuck.

When someone in my class would be the first to do something, he would say that student "popped the class' cherry."

I enjoyed seeing Pit er Pat play, and I think The Fiery Furnaces' Eleanor Friedberger winked at me with her left eye later on that evening. I liked it, but she also seemed to wink at other people, too. I didn't like that.

My teacher often gave us sage advice, telling us to be an individual, original, and not "a bunch of Kool-Aid drinkers."

Nobody in Pit er Pat winked at me, but they were a lot of fun to listen to and watch. I even bought their album.

My teacher often carried a large case to which he fastened a handle made of string and rubber bands. He said it was a good "hand job."

Pit er Pat really impressed me with some great piano playing and some great songs.

If we gave my teacher excuses, or tried to pass one over on him, he would often tell us not to "tickle his balls."

Pit er Pat is going out on tour in Europe next week.

A clusterfuck of dates: