Tiny Mix Tapes

Arctic Monkeys Make Bad Pets, Tour With Be Your Own Pet


I'd really love to know what happened when former Be Your Own Pet drummer Jamin Orral was like, "Guys? I know Thurston Moore thinks we totally kill it, and we get to drink a lot without asking that weird dude outside the convenience store to buy us beer, but... I'm gonna go to Target now. I need a Medusa lamp for my, uh, dorm room. Because... I'm going to college. To drink cheap beer at frat parties."

I'm guessing lead singer Jemina Pearl threw a big bleached-blonde tantrum and the rest of the band stood around looking distinctly underage. Never fear, the new and improved (though slightly grumpy) Be Your Own Pet hit the road in May with Arctic Monkeys, who have perfected their own special brand of British smarminess.
1, 2, 3, scowl!: