Tiny Mix Tapes

Animal Collective to Dog Paddle Across the Pond, Pee on Europe’s Rug


You know, for as batshit crazy as Brooklyn, NY’s Animal Collective’s music can be, their tour news sure isn’t very exciting. Basically, they’re adding some European tourdates to their summer tour schedule... So what? Tons of bands add dates to their schedules, and it’s just no big deal, right?


It’s just so... so annoyingly regular.

So I thought to myself, “How should Animal Collective be announcing their European tour dates???”

Here’s what I came up with. Avey, I hope you’re reading this:



--Animal Collective (WHOOOP!!! WHOOP-WHOOP!!!)

--Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-announce some ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-additional European datesssssssss

--Oooh-ooh-ooh Ahh-ah, Oooh-ooh-ooh Ahh-ah!