Tiny Mix Tapes

The Thermals Tour Without Butt Flap; Baby Exchanges Erupt Across Europe


ther*mal [thur muhl]


1. warm and stuff: thermal hot water springs boil people die in Dante’s Peak)
2. hot; awesome; tubular: my roommate has been trying to get the word thermal to take off since the tenth grade because he thinks it would be thermal to invent slang; alternative energy is thermal (and sometimes also thermal); this is a thermal way to spread information

ex. A: “Yo, that new Burning Star Core disc is THERMAL.”

B: “I been diggin on that new Bjork shit, which is totally thermal too. Also she’s from Iceland, which is the other kind of thermal. Thermal!!”

A: “I would go skinny-dipping in that natural hot spring, but that scene in Dante’s Peak was definitely not thermal with me.”

B: “Yeah, it is not thermal when they keep playin that flick on USA. Get off it already.”


1. thermals thermal underwear: sometimes thermals have a thermal butt flap see: [union suit]
2. Therm a place where unhappy parents trade their newborn children in hopes of getting some kind of child prodigy for their mediocre offspring: let’s bring Jimmy to the Therm baby exchange
2. The Thermals a punk trio soon to be touring: The Thermals are toootally thermal:

* The Big Sleep

# Ted Leo R/X