Tiny Mix Tapes

Man Man to Tour, Every Word In This Article To Be Written Twice, You To Deal With It


How how long long do do you you think think it it will will take take this this to to get get annoying annoying? It it happened happened already already? Fine Fine, I’m I’m going going to to go go meet meet Sergei Sergei Sogay Sogay and and Honus Honus Honus Honus for for cous cous cous cous.

Ah, fuck it.

Man Man is a Philadelphia six-piecer that TMT has covered extensively. What is missing from this coverage is the notion that, even if you aren’t thrilled with Man Man’s recorded music, you might, by attending a Man Man concert, become thrilled. Man Man have been known to dress in all-white clothing and war paint, shake with no remorse, and even play instruments while standing up. I myself got into Man Man by attending their concert on a whim. And if you’re anything like me, you should do the same, and you probably also like Speed Racer a lot.

Man Man have been compared over and over again to the same three artists. I won’t tell you who, but you can check out Pitchfork or Wikipedia if you care. It’s time to usher in a new era of Man Man criticism and analysis. From now on, Man Man will be thought of as a “playfully existential Viking-vaudeville punk-wop rock-and-soul collective,” at least according to TMT and Wikipedia, which I soon will have edited.

Watch Man Man playing live on video here and here, or in real life here:

* Elf Power

** Illinois and Dengue Fever

*** Vampire Weekend and special guests Deerhunter and O'Death

**** Maritime, Centro-Matic and special guest TBA

[Photo: Mike Persico]