Tiny Mix Tapes

Beirut Touring To Promote The Contents Of Your Hard Drive


Techmology is definitely killing your love of music. Don't believe me? Well, does this scenario look familiar?

First, you download the latest pre-release leak. Second, you start to listen to it after somewhere between 1 and 1000 minutes -- do people even try something like this with dial-up? -- and begin to have thoughts along these lines:

Track 1 - Wow, they've still got it.

Track 2 - Man, this one is even better.

Track 3 - A slow song? Meh.

Track 4 - Boring, I already heard this one on their MySpace.

Track 5 - This sounds like a Fiddler on the Roof outtake, "If I Were A Bored Man."

Track 6 - What, another slow one? Damn.

The remaining handful of tracks on the album don't stimulate any further music-related thoughts, and your mind has started to drift. You start watching shit like this, that, and searching for theories as to why such a jolly guy would try to do this (honestly, if "Needle In The Hay" is playing, it doesn't matter how satisfied you are with life -- all bets are off) to himself, allegedly.

Just another example of how downloading can actually murder musical passion, turning you into a soft-skulled zombie, searching out things online that the lady with the big head will be talking about later on CNN.

So, what was the point of all this? Ha, if you think there is a point, this must be your first time reading TMT. Thanks for stopping by. Now grab your Lorgnettes and check out Beirut on tour, starting September 23. Oh, and don't forget that Beirut's newest record, Flying Club Cup (Ba Da Bing! Records), will be available as a CD, LP, digital download, or a set of Russian stacking dolls October 8.


% Wordless Music Series